Once you’ve completed the 10 week beginners course you are then able to attend our normal kickboxing training classes. If you think you don’t need to do the Beginners Course, get in touch (through Contact us) and and we can assess where you’re at.
Our regular classes cover a number of training specifics including:
- Fitness (Aerobic and Anaerobic)
- Pad work – techniques; power and speed etc
- Offensive and Defensive techniques – both stand up and floor training
- Self Defence techniques
- Ring Craft
- Sparring and Tournament preparation
Training times:
- MONDAY 6.30 – 8.00pm Intermediate / Advanced
- WEDNESDAY 6.30 – finish Squad Training – sparring etc (invitation only)
- THURSDAY 6.00 – 7.30pm Intermediate / Advanced
- WEEKENDS – Squad training – sparring etc (invitation only)